Blogger Widgets Cyntura's Blog: November 2012

Monday, 19 November 2012

Stupid signs

Not been on much, especially TSR as I tend to procrastinate a lot :( I have also nicied-up my blog's appearance (just to annoy people by making it lag :p)

I saw a really stupid sign on the Daily Mail:

It makes me wonder what it is coming to in today's society if we can't even spell a simple word like school corectly. :(

I Googled and found this one as well:
What kind or irresponsible doggy owner would let their dog ride a bike? Also, how do the paws reach the pedals, unless they are special dog-bikes... I shall Google them. *Back!* I have an interesting video for you guys...


I can't actually find anyone who makes bikes for dogs but then again, as this video shows, they can use a kids bike. But why would they want to...???  Whatever next? Well! I found a terrifying advert that might explain what happens if dogs get just too clever...

Maybe soon dogs will become man's best friend as they can text and ride bikes and do other stuff that previously only humans could actually do! Terrifying thought... 

Another terrifying thing; I just read on the Fox News site about these worms that have sharp little teeth and can live in a human for up to 15 years! They can go into any organ in the body they like and quite literally eat you :S Though you can only really get it by eating things like sushi that aren't prepared properly. Still scary stuff though!
I have included a few more photos of dogs doing human things... prepare to be afraid!

This really isn't normal guys.... it won't be long before they take over the world, start serving in your local Sainsburys! Which reminds me, I must get another packer of marshmallows with my next online order... Where was I? Oh, yes. Do not dress your dog up, don't let them play on your Playstation or computer and don't let them ride bikes! It isn't natural...

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

I can't do maths D:

Hello my army of Cynturians!
Have been very busy having to demolish over ten packets of chocolate digestives, which Tescos over-delivered with my order the other day. As I am a student, I don't want to see them going to waste ... *burp*. As Lois has said, I must keep up to date with my diabetic studies and with 86 calories per biccy, I'd imagine the sugar would go off the Richter scale.

I was thinking about how similar Captain Birdseye looks to Santa Claus:
both have weird beards and moustaches that are white. Both always seem very jolly as well, all though I don't see why Captain Birdseye is that happy, after all, he must ponk of fish if that is what he is selling...
Also they both have daft hats and uniforms... although I am rather temped to call Santa's garb an over-sized dressing gown. I am now starting to doubt that Santa and Captin Ponky-Birdseye are actually either a) brothers or b) the same person. Which begs the question, if the latter is true then does this Santa-Captain-Duo thingy ride around the skies delivering presents on a giant fish finger?

Anyway, just had a funny five minutes, I'm sure it is due to too much sugar in my blood. I don't really know the technical terms as after all, I haven't been listening in my lectures; how can you when more pressing matters such as Captain Birdseye are on your bonce? I know Prof. Vampire said that it was to do with the glyciemic-doo-dah... I'll ask Lois as she does biology, when she can be bothered and stop harassing me about chickens.
That reminds me! She went away for the weekend to some place called the Trout Inn and came back sending me random and blurred photos of chickens. Too many units of alcohol I presume...
She also sent me some random picture of her dog's fat knose, even though she knows I am scared of dogs.

Actually I also don't like:
Chickens (except for digesting)
Butterflies- there is a story with this as well. Went with a family member to London Zoo and went into the Butterfly Farm but had to run away to the exit as there wasn't an inch of that place where there weren't any butterflies. It terrified me for life and I am now a different person and constantly suffer from flashbacks...
Add turtles, fish and all anphiboans to the list and I think that is enough to outline my animal fear. I honestly don't know what nature invented them for unless it is to scare me. Who needs and ECG to check that your heart is functioning?

Post more soon :D
Still have some biccies left so might make a scampi-digestive crumble mix. Yummy :)

p.s. Too many scampi bites affecting the brain;  have just told Lois that Christmas is in 4 weeks and a few days when it is actually 6!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

As I prommed...

So I was on TSR again today and saw a quotation that said 'It is hard to find a black cat in a dark room, especially when it is not there.' I have been thinking about this all day and have come to this conclusion;
A person who owned a black cat had a power-cut and so their whole house was in darkness during the night. The streetlights have also gone out and they can't find the flashlight.  They are trying to find their cat 'Mr. Tiddles' for argument's sake as Mr. Tiddles has to have his dinner. But Mr. Tiddles isn't in the house as he can't see to find his way home.
From that saying, we can understand we must have a flashlight that we can either find by keeping it in a draw where we know it is or get a glow-in-the-dark one like in Night at the Museum 2.

Lois is at the Trout Inn at Winchester... they serve really nice food there I'm guessing which makes me rather sad and home-sick :( I forgot to get more marshmallows at the shops so I'm rather depressed. Lois promised that she would bring me home a lump of trout in her handbag although I don't much fancy this idea as one wonders when she last turned her handbag out. I don't much fancy all those bits of fluff and flick that might accumulate on a rather old and stale piece of fish.
I remember when we were at school and she found a packet of Orbit chewing gum in her bag. The gum has gone gooey and fused with the paper, but this didn't deter her; instead she eat both the chewing gum and paper!
Anyway, if I have fish, I would rather have something that I know and trust like my beloved scampi bites (even though I am not 100% sure what they are....).
I have read that some large Japanese corporations are stock-piling giant supplies of fish in order to force the price up. Is Japanese scampi more genuine than British scampi? Anyways, I will always trust Captain Birdseye as he is a Captain so he must know what he is doing...
Does he go to work and sit in his office dressed up as a sailor? I'm guessing on dress-down Fridays he goes as a pirate. :)

EDIT: Just changed my mind on having scampi for din-dins as I forgot to order lemon to have with it *sob*.
I am going to have cheese on naan bread instead :D

Friday, 9 November 2012

Cyntura's return

Hello again my little Cynturians ;)
Sorry I haven't been on but I have a million and one things to do... like my online Tescos order which consisted of several boxes of scampi bites :) I don't really know what scampi is.... :S But it is nice anyways. On Google, people tended to argue what it was really and I saw a site that said that 'what is scampi' was a top Google searching term in 2011... so why don't we know? It isn't as though it has to be a closely guarded secret of the government's and yet no-one truly knows the answer...
I also ordered some bananas, kiwis and potatoes. Was going to make scampi and jacket potato but worried that the microwave won't suffice.... I always think that jacket potatoes always look like potatoes with bomber jackets on :D Probably why they are called 'jacket' potato. Also going to have fruit salad but with only two fruits, I am tempted to call it a fruit medley.
Oh yeah! I also have like a gazzilion exams next week :( Lois came on TSR complaining about het psychology KAT (key assessment test) on Monday. I honestly don't have the time to feel sorry for her and reply to her numerous and never-ending stream of messages saying 'OMG!!!!!!! This uni gave be an interview!1!!!11111!!!!' ¬__¬
Might as well give you the rest of my shopping spree:
 petit filous, naan bread, 4pack orange juice, bread , spaghetti, mushroom sauce, stir fry sauce, stir fry , coleslaw and a few other random bits ^__^  I think I have far too much sauce and not enough stir-fry though... I have my 5 a day covered though as I have far too much orange juice! Who needs fresh vegetables?
Going to go on TSR and get some inspiration for my work... 
I prom that I will write more tomorrow :D

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